Midwinter Breastival of the Arts @ Machines With Magnets
Sunday, January 25th |1PM
Moth-inspired Storytelling – Breastory Hour hosted by Jillian VanNostrand
Be entertained, amazed, empowered and mesmerized by stories told by women just like yourself!
It’s not too late to pitch your breaststory!
The THEME is: Breastories
The RULES are: it has to be your story, true , as remembered by you. No notes, and a 5 minute time limit. It has to stick to the theme. It has to ‘stick’ as a story–that is–have conflict and resolution.
Send us a paragraph pitch of your story for telling at the Breastival™.
Email [email protected]
You can also call and leave a 30 second pitch of your story for Jillian at 774-487-7092
Please join in and give us a pitch.
We’d love to hear from you!