Meet on the parkside of the tunnel where the bike path goes under India St (in the middle of the Park near the shore) to help pick up litter, weeds, prune, mulch, and replant pedestrian bridge ramps with native, drought-resistant plants.
Free eats: coffee, snacks, and hard-earned pizza at noon!
RAIN DATE: SAT PM or SUNDAY. Check Facebook for updates.
Let us know if you’re coming on FB or at friendsindiapointpark@gmai
Friends of India Point Park (FIPP) are concerned with maintaining India Point Park’s natural beauty and the different ways that people utilize this wonderful piece of land. FIPP is dedicated to ensuring that the free-spirited nature of this park is maintained. There have been many improvements over the years that include the installation of the playground near Gano Street as well as the mosaic mural depicting maritime history of the area, both projects designed by local artisits.