The Last Roger Williams on Display of the Season!

Roger Williams National Memorial

Event Details

Ranger Jon McNiff at the Roger Williams Nation Memorial

For the last time this season, the Roger Williams National Memorial is taking throwback Thursday (#TBT) to a whole new level! On Thursday May 14, 2015 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., once again, a letter, written by Roger Williams, will be on display at the memorial’s visitor center.

This letter from Williams to the town of Providence discusses his desire to itemize and distribute the property of one John Clauson, who had been killed. It also discusses Williams’ caring nature towards a man who Williams had taken in and had helped teach to read.

It’s appropriate since May is graduation season: the time when teachers and students finally part ways in the world.

“Thanks to the kind assistance from the Rhode Island Historical Society, the memorial will have a real bit of Roger on display,” said Ranger John McNiff. Come talk to Ranger McNiff about this letter and Roger, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy. Transcripts of the letter are available at no cost.

This is the last of the “throwback Thursdays” of the season. Stay tuned for what we might have up our sleeves for the fall.

Author: Tim Blankenship

I work on websites.

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