Our Recommendations for the Weekend of 4/6 to 4/9

Events going on in and around Providence this weekend.


April 8th Basin Lighting

7:15 p.m.
The fires will remain lit until 11:00 p.m.

Sponsored by the Hemophilia Federation of America. (HFA) is a national non-profit dedicated to assisting and advocating for the bleeding disorders community. HFA is pleased to sponsor the first WaterFire of the season on Saturday, April 8, 2017, in conjunction with the annual HFA Symposium, being held for the first time, this year at the Rhode Island Convention Center, April 6–9, 2017.

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Our Recommendations for the Weekend of 8/18 – 8/21

Events going on in and around Providence this weekend.

WaterFire – Saturday, August 20th, 2016
A WaterFire “Clear Currents” Lighting sponsored by Fidelity Investments and National Grid
Sunset at 7:37 PM, fires stay lit until 12:30 AM

All Full WaterFire installations light up over eighty braziers from Waterplace Park to Memorial/South Main Street Park on scheduled evenings. Lighting occurs shortly after sunset and the event continues until half past midnight.

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Our Recommendations for the Weekend of 7/21-7/24

Events going on in and around Providence this weekend.

WaterFire – Saturday, July 23rd, 2016
Full Lighting, sponsored by Cox Business
Lighting at 8:32 PM, fires stay lit until 12:30 AM

All Full WaterFire installations light up over eighty braziers from Waterplace Park to Memorial/South Main Street Park on the below scheduled evenings. Lighting occurs shortly after sunset and the event continues until half past midnight.

Continue reading “Our Recommendations for the Weekend of 7/21-7/24”